Community Safety and Well-Being Plan

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Complete the Community Safety and Well-Being Plan Survey

The City of Campbell River (the City) is excited to announce a partnership with the Canadian Centre for Safer Communities to develop a comprehensive Community Safety and Well-being (CSWB) Plan. This initiative aims to collaboratively create a vision and actionable plan that enhances safety, sense of safety, and overall well-being within the community.

The success of the CSWB Plan depends on community involvement, and that involvement starts right away! Participate in the community safety and well-being survey, today. Your insights will help assess the current state of community safety, identify areas for improvement, and inform CSWB actions and recommendations. We want to understand how you perceive community safety and well-being and learn from your experiences.

Complete the Community Safety and Well-Being Plan Survey


Community safety and well-being plans bring together community members and organizations to address safety challenges. The City recognizes the importance of a holistic approach, acknowledging the impact of social, economic, familial, and individual factors on community safety.

Achieving community safety involves increasing access to essential services, implementing prevention programs, and addressing structural conditions through ongoing communication and civic engagement, ultimately fostering trust and a preventative focus.

The approach includes various stages such as data collection, community surveys, consultations, and action planning. A project advisory team made up of community partners and interested parties has also been established to guide the planning process.

Your contribution is vital in understanding the unique challenges and opportunities in our community, enabling informed decisions, and contributing to meaningful changes.

Recognizing that you may have already shared your thoughts on related topics in past engagements, we extend our gratitude for your ongoing participation. Rest assured that we will thoroughly review existing data, surveys, and reports, incorporating your previous feedback into our ongoing data collection process.

Together, let’s build a safer and thriving Campbell River!

To learn more about community safety initiatives at the City of Campbell River, visit

Complete the Community Safety and Well-Being Plan Survey

The City of Campbell River (the City) is excited to announce a partnership with the Canadian Centre for Safer Communities to develop a comprehensive Community Safety and Well-being (CSWB) Plan. This initiative aims to collaboratively create a vision and actionable plan that enhances safety, sense of safety, and overall well-being within the community.

The success of the CSWB Plan depends on community involvement, and that involvement starts right away! Participate in the community safety and well-being survey, today. Your insights will help assess the current state of community safety, identify areas for improvement, and inform CSWB actions and recommendations. We want to understand how you perceive community safety and well-being and learn from your experiences.

Complete the Community Safety and Well-Being Plan Survey


Community safety and well-being plans bring together community members and organizations to address safety challenges. The City recognizes the importance of a holistic approach, acknowledging the impact of social, economic, familial, and individual factors on community safety.

Achieving community safety involves increasing access to essential services, implementing prevention programs, and addressing structural conditions through ongoing communication and civic engagement, ultimately fostering trust and a preventative focus.

The approach includes various stages such as data collection, community surveys, consultations, and action planning. A project advisory team made up of community partners and interested parties has also been established to guide the planning process.

Your contribution is vital in understanding the unique challenges and opportunities in our community, enabling informed decisions, and contributing to meaningful changes.

Recognizing that you may have already shared your thoughts on related topics in past engagements, we extend our gratitude for your ongoing participation. Rest assured that we will thoroughly review existing data, surveys, and reports, incorporating your previous feedback into our ongoing data collection process.

Together, let’s build a safer and thriving Campbell River!

To learn more about community safety initiatives at the City of Campbell River, visit

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Welcome! Thank you for your interest in completing this survey. This survey will take approximately 20 minutes to complete.

    Demographic information is collected as part of the survey and only to understand how experiences may differ across various populations. 

    All responses will remain confidential and participation in this survey is entirely voluntary. 

    Trigger Warning

    The survey includes questions about your experience with various forms of victimization. Specific details regarding your experience will not be asked. However, if you require support and would like to discuss your situation with a professional in your area, a list of resources has been included here and again at the end of the survey.

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Page last updated: 09 Jul 2024, 03:00 PM