Design Charrette Summary & Next Steps
The Quinsam Heights Neighbourhood Plan (QHNP) Design Charrette occurred April 18 - 20, 2023 at the Maritime Heritage Centre in Campbell River. It was a great opportunity to gather and share some important conversations amongst the community, and as a result, many great ideas that supported the objectives of the Design Charrette were formed. A summary of the Design Charrette has been created and can be found in the Documents Library on the right-hand side of the main page.
The project team is now actively working on taking all the knowledge, data, and input provided so far to develop Key Policy Directions and Land Use Scenarios to present to Council and community late summer-early autumn this year. The intent is that these Key Policy Directions and Land Use Scenarios will eventually evolve into a Draft Quinsam Heights Neighbourhood Plan to be presented to Council and community at the end of 2023.

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