Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the difference between an Official Community Plan (OCP) and Neighbourhood Plan?
An Official Community Plan (OCP) is an over-arching policy document that provides direction for growth and development in ways that are aligned with a community's needs and values.
A neighbourhood plan, such as the Quinsam Heights Neighbourhood Plan, guides future development in an area, including the locations of parks and public spaces, development standards, and transportation solutions. Neighbourhood plans also provide a link between the high-level planning found in the City of Campbell River's Official Community Plan and the regulatory detail of a zoning bylaw.
A Complete Neighbourhood Plan includes:
- a statement of development objectives and policies for the area, and their relationship to Council policy as stated in the Official Community Plan, and within other bylaws and policies that may be adopted by Council from time to time;
- an inventory of existing land uses, natural features, zoning, transportation networks, utility infrastructure and heritage sites;
- where applicable, information on the natural environment or hazardous conditions of the area including the manner in which natural site characteristics will influence development;
- the identification of major land uses by type and density;
- the general location of transportation networks and required upgrades to accommodate vehicles, public transit, pedestrians and cyclists within the plan area, and the relationship of the proposed network to existing City facilities;
- Advance transportation plans should identify all vehicle, transit, pedestrian, bicycle, and trail linkages and provide a mix of trail, local, collector and arterial roads necessary to create a balanced transportation system; and,
- the location and type of any development permit areas to be designated within the area, together with guidelines for proposed development within those development permit areas.
What determines the boundary of a neighbourhood (including the Quinsam Heights Neighbourhood)?
- Neighbourhood classifications follow a technical process and are rich with details and context.
- Neighborhood boundaries can be defined by many different types of conditions, including history and development of an area.
- Most often boundaries are defined by physical characteristics and changes, major streets, natural or man-made features, and changes in land use or character. Major streets are the most common way to define a neighborhood boundary, while they are also not the other feature.
- Natural features such as parks, rivers, streams, or man-made features such as railroad lines are also used to define boundaries.
- A change in land use from residential to commercial or industrial use might mark the boundary of a neighborhood and the start of another area.
Why is the Quinsam Heights Neighbourhood Plan being updated?
The Quinsam Heights Neighbourhood Plan was last updated in 2008. Since then, Quinsam Heights has seen pockets of new growth and development in response to Campbell River's growing population. As the city continues to grow, Quinsam Heights will be an important growth area to address the community's future housing needs.
How will the community be involved in the Quinsam Heights Neighourhood Plan?
Consultation and engagement with the community is fundamental to the success to this project, and more importantly, how growth is/is not determined and developed in this neighbourhood.
Specific ways the community has been involved in this QHNP include:
- The launch of the project page hosted on Engagement HQ
- The distribution of a survey
- A public open-house Ideas Fair at the Community Centre on January 25, 2023
- A public open-house Design Charrette; April 18 from 4-7 p.m. and April 20 from 4-7 p.m.
- Ongoing Council meetings
- A public open-house to collect comments on the draft plan; June 26 from 5-7 p.m.

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